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Our Customer Care system is now LIVE!

When you make an order, if you have any issues then log in to your account and head over to your account section

You can then proceed to click to "My Tickets" where you can select the order and items you have a query about.

You can select from the options that the issue is and we will aim to have any issue solved with a satisfactory outcome.

We've designed it to be fast and efficient and lead to a high customer satisfaction.

If you have forgotten your password and tried "forgot password"and still cannot access, you can use the guest ticket here: Guest RMA you will need your order number and email used. Remember you can try checking your spam or junk folder for any emails from us, you should mark them as "this is not spam" so you can get updates when we reply to your ticket.

After covid19 we decided to design a brand new customer service system that will enable incredibly fast responses from our team and a smoothness in communication that can get you the result you want faster. 

This new system is very smooth, it helps us collect data with set problems and means we can process issues incredibly fast, helping us maintain our efficiency and low cost. 

Don't worry, we aim to satisfy and earn your trust and loyalty. We can't grow unless you are happy. Great experience is when something goes wrong, but we fix it to your satisfaction.


At the top right go to your account, you must first sign in, and then click "your account"

Proceed to click on "My Tickets" on your account page, if you are using a mobile phone, go to "account menu" and find "my tickets" remember on the phone, its better to use landscape mode when making your ticket.

Once you have clicked, request a new ticket and it will take you to the next screen.

Select any items you had an issue with and click "next step"

For each item you can select the reason, condition and the resolution you want. 

Finally agree to the terms and if you need to upload any pictures you can do so. Then click submit and we will immediately have your ticket in our system, ready for us to process.

Once this is done, please wait for a reply, you should get an email from us when we respond to you.
You can then assess if our response and solution was satisfactory and mark it as "yes i am satisfied" or not.

We will try our very best to resolve any issues and give you a satisfactory outcome. We want all our lovely and wonderful customers to be happy and enjoy shopping with us.