HIJABS UK HIJAB Hijabs for Sale |

My Item is not as Described or Wrong Colour

Laila Ibrahim posted this on 22 Sep 2019

We try to show the item exactly as the supplier has supplied to us. We use the exact details that our suppliers give to us, so make sure to be accurate to that.

If however you are unsatisfied with the product you can opt for store credit. We are only able to provide store credit as the cost of delivery compared to the cost of our items is very costly. For example, to return an item or send an item, it costs £2.80 with royal mail on average. Our items cost just a few pence in some instances, so it does not make any sense to return items from a monetary point of view. 

If you have an account with us, make RMA tickets here

If you ordered as a guest, without creating an account, you can still make a ticket for that order, You can make a guest RMA here